A new video claims "God Made Trump." Fact Check: God made us all.
Why aren't Christians denouncing the radical right wing's faith in their own self-righteousness alone?
Losing friends means losing parts of yourself
Yes, we're "elderly" as a demographic, but not as women seeking guidance on living with COVID.
Discouraged by Trumpism and Red State meanness and oppression, Blue Girls need to find a new way to make a difference.
As the last of a group of women friends I made 40 years ago was widowed, I realized she now belongs to a stage in life I'd prefer to eschew, to a club I really don't want to join.
I told the House Managers they gave me Hope. Not a victory, but hope.
What happens when you run out of words to write?
Everything about the nomination, the timing, the process, the so-called foregone conclusions reeks of hypocrisy. And that's the least of the charges I would level at the GOP and Trump's enablers.
How am I going to "dress for success" when the bar is so low?
Even healthy, I am haunted by what the pandemic means to aging-in-place, and to aging itself.
I'm "shopping" for a more effective way to address both the health crisis and the economic crisis it has spawned.
How journalists cover the Tara Reade accusations matters. How to get beyond he-said-she-said.
Among the grievous losses of lives and livelihoods, there are the lesser losses -- of time and times.
Despite the profound uncertainty and realistic fears of this coronavirus crisis, I find I have a far greater capacity for equanimity and tolerance for “good enough” than I ever knew.
I'm redefining Comfort Food amidst the Coronavirus crisis
The church's failure to provide spiritual leadership in this crisis -- and others -- compels me to seek-the-faith elsewhere.
This is a false choice: saving lives or saving the economy
We are not just "the elderly." We are so much more than a certain number of birthdays. Let's not risk having Covid-19 health care apportioned by age.
How do you define Family in today's diffuse society and culture?
If I can figure out what REALLY upsets me about Trump, is there anything I can do about it?
Women in the third third care about much more than Social Security benefits and Depends you can't see.
There are untold stories in the coverage of Trump and his enablers
My husband and I both went to our 50th College Reunions in June. My women classmates were aging. His male classmates were old.
Power-hungry men are setting the clock back -- way back -- on women's rights.
The promise of Women Rowing North falls short.
How do we deal with the loss of too many friends dying?
No mass shooting today, but an abiding, immoral crisis
My daughter has a foster child, a beautiful newborn she hopes to adopt. What's my role?
Anger is, I think, the only meaningful response to the partisan patriarchy.
There's no end to feeling bad about sexual harassment and aggression.
The camera doesn't lie when it comes to aging. But it doesn't tell the whole story, either.
A dive into my Junk inbox -- Don't ask why -- reveals some random algorithms think I'm having too many senior moments. That's why they call it junk.
Today's grandparents are spending more on their grandchildren. Better that they should spend more on the world their grandchildren will inherit.
When public acts validate ageist prejudices, seniors may need to acknowledge one foible or another -- and adjust.
What I learned on Jury Duty: It's a good thing.
A letter to the House Intelligence Committee Chairman imploring him to do a better job
The narrative arc of America's history has a downside, and this might be it.
This audience of one is paying attention; but the show goes on.
Don't focus on the loss; Embrace the potential we embody as women
The political strategy didn't work. And the message didn't compute. But the fight for the soul of our country needs to continue -- with renewed strength and purpose.
Hillary spoke for us. It's time for us to give voice to her ideals, with compassion.
Having a woman elected President is a Big Deal -- and not just for Hillary's friends.
What's wrong with getting sick on the campaign trail and choosing to power through it, like most women do? The media's coverage is wrong.
Donald Trump's lewd braggadocio unleashes millions of stories of sexual assault; mine, too. And what he's doing to our country is worse.
Retired couples can fall into bad habits -- not really quarreling or actively disagreeing, just being entirely disagreeable.
News for seniors is a disservice to a population that wants to be engaged with their community and the world today, such as it is.
A time to savor Hillary Clinton's history-making nomination with our daughters